Ticket Purchase Information for March 2024 Concert

Here is some information about ticket purchase for our upcoming 23rd March 2024 Concert.


1) Ticket Prices

Tickets are £17 (full), £15 (concession*), £3 (under 18), £15.30 (Associate discount price on full ticket), £13.50 (Associate discount price on concession* ticket).  Note that Associates are entitled to one discounted ticket if they have single membership and two discounted tickets if they have household membership.

* Concessions are intended for those for whom the full ticket price would prevent them attending the concert


2) Ticket Purchase

a) Method 1 (preferred method)

You can order your tickets using the order form on the Members section of the ECS website.

Fill out the form online for the tickets you require and submit it.

Pay for your tickets via bank transfer or cheque (details are on the form).

Once we receive payment we will email your e-ticket(s) to you.

b) Method 2 (NB there is a 10% booking fee if you purchase through the link below!!)

Go to the WeGotTickets site and purchase your tickets online there.

Note that there is a fee of 10% of the ticket price for using WeGotTickets and it is not possible to purchase Associates discounted tickets by this method.

However, a new feature is that your family and friends will be able to enter the name of their choir contact and if they do that we will be able to count those ticket sales in the Ticket Sales Competition.

c) Method 3

Call Nicola Walters on 07957 923341 to place an order over the phone or email our ticket secretaries at tickets@ealingchoralsociety.org.uk.

Pay for your tickets via bank transfer or cheque (Our ticket secretaries will give you the bank details or details of where to send the cheque).

Once we receive payment we will post or email your e-ticket(s) to you.


3) Ticket Sales Competition

Two prizes will be given (one for the top seller and one for the top first timer (first time in the top 5 sellers in competitions previously held)).  All tickets sold and paid for via our Ticket Secretaries prior to the evening of the concert (or if they can be assigned from WGT sales) will be counted to determine the prize winners.  Members are eligible for one prize in any calendar year.

The prize will be a CD, usually of the next concert’s music.  We are most grateful to one of our basses for supplying the prizes for the competition.

Happy selling!

If you have any questions please email Cynthia on c.haliburn@gmail.com.

Kind regards

Cynthia Haliburn (Treasurer)