- Concert
- 2014-2015
Centenary Commemoration of the First World War 1914-2014
8 November 2014, 7:45 pm
St Barnabas Church
Note: this event has passed.

One hundred years ago nations across Europe went to war with terrible consequences on all sides. Few communities and families were unaffected by the huge loss of life and life changing impacts on physical and mental health, especially of young men.
We can see this from the long lists of names on war memorials the length and breadth of this country. Behind every name lies a story often of ordinary men who went to fight, left their families and friends behind, and lost their lives in quite tragic circumstances.
Never before was there such a toll and never has a war engendered such an outpouring of memories in words, art and music.
In this concert we commemorate those who died on all sides, in words and music related to the 1914-18 War. The music and words selected for the concert provide a frame of the war from
the summer of 1914 to the war itself, its aftermath and its reflection.
We have chosen texts from several poets who died as a result of the war (Wilfred Owen and Ivor Gurney) and those who survived but were badly injured (Siegfried Sassoon). Their experiences shine through their words. The words of these poets and others also inspired composers such as Elgar and Finzi while Vaughan Williams’s personal experience coloured his choice of text for his reflective piece on the horrors of war, Dona Nobis Pacem.
- Soprano: Susanna Fairbairn
- Baritone: Edward Grint
- Orchestra: Ealing Sinfonia
- Conductor: Jonathan Williams
- Vaughan Williams: Dona Nobis Pacem
- Finzi: Requiem da Camera
- Elgar: The Spirit of England: For the Fallen
- Various: First World War Poetry and Prose
- Vaughan Williams: The Lark Ascending